
>> Wednesday, March 10, 2010

In the adoption process we have learned to expect the unexpected. Today we received some news from our agency that definitely qualifies as unexpected. One of the reasons we felt that the Lord was leading us to Ethiopia was because it only required one trip. We felt that due to Harry’s health issues it would be wise for us to pursue an adoption in a country that only requires one short visit. Because of the cost of international travel this also cuts down on the overall expense.

The news today is that Ethiopia will now be requiring parents to make two trips. The first trip will be for the purpose of appearing in court. The second trip, three months later, will be to pick up our son. Obviously this is a big surprise on both fronts. We'll have to make two lengthy overseas trips and it will cost an additional $6,000. There will be lots to pray about in the coming days. We’d certainly appreciate it if you would join us as we seek the Lord’s direction for moving forward.


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